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A series of strategies Sudden Strike resembles a military unit, which has been disbanded several times and created again under other banners. The first part was created by immigrants from the Russian office with a sonorous name "Our Games" and on the territory of the CIS was published under the name "Confrontation 3" (although with the first two games she had nothing in common except the theme and team of developers).

Sudden Strike 2 turned into "Confrontation 4" , And then confusion began, because the brands were at the disposal of different owners. In parallel, official continuations of Sudden Strike and all new “confrontations”, in no way connected with each other. It was not easy to figure out this stream of strategies of different quality. But now this is not necessary, because SS4 is already doing completely different people – a Hungarian studio Kite Games. Will Hungarians be able to revive a series that stained almost ten years ago?

Polish autumn

Sudden Strike 4 – This is a classical military strategy in real time. So classic that the eye involuntarily searches for the calendar to make sure whether the window is exactly two thousand seventeen years old.

Paphos music in the main menu, historical newsreel against the background, the opportunity to undergo training or immediately move on to one of the three historical campaigns, starting with German, moving on to the Soviet and ending with allies … Nothing superfluous, nothing distracts from hostilities. Only the inscription in the lower right corner of the screen eloquently indicates that we have before us beta version and before the official release for about a month.

And now the expectation of standard plot moves begins when it is necessary to capture some town with a small infantry department, and then strengthen the defense and recapture the tank attack.

But everything happens somewhat different.

Little records of a big war.

The training mission not only demonstrates the cunning and treachery of the Wehrmacht, ready to go to everything for the sake of the development of events, but also shows how carefully the developers approached the details of the maps and the plot. The signaling missiles produced by guard, the numbers on trucks, broken carts and tractors on the sidelines, and the curbs with ravines themselves – all this is not repeated, and it is very interesting to play, but not to replay. And if such a course of things is common for learning, then in the campaign I want more diversity. Not right away, but I want.

All because the campaigns themselves are truly entertaining and simply crack from the abundance of events. For example, German begins with the capture of Poland, then proceeds to the conquest of France, and then moves to the USSR, where it ends. All upcoming battles are displayed on the map right away, and the first time it sits in longing, because the game has thirty missions, and an experienced player can pass in a maximum of a few days, and the minimum – in a day.

It is not provided for the plot for the fork, therefore, if you plan to play for a long time, you should immediately pay attention to the “battles” mode or go into online battles with real opponents. Perhaps the situation will change to the release and the plot battles will be greater or the variability of the development of events will appear. But our scouts are full of skepticism. The game looks very finished.

There is no war without a doctrine.

Atmosphere and authenticity add audio days of the nameless fighter between missions. Together with him we will learn the features of Zhukov, Guderian or Montgomery. The commanders are not mentioned by chance – each of the parties has three leaders, each with his own military doctrine. For example, in the Soviet side, Rokossovsky is responsible for the doctrine of infantry, Zhukov – for tanks, and Chuikov – for artillery and supply. Perhaps the release of doctrines and commanders will be more, and we will see other historical personalities.

Theater of military operations in all its glory.

Doctrines are invented for a reason. With their help, you can strengthen the troops with special skills. Alas, almost half of the skills seems far -fetched and naive. It is difficult to imagine that in a strategy claiming realism, tankers cannot dig tanks in defense without a special skill, and infantrymen can wear two grenades. Nevertheless, such conventions are present, as well as very fantastic in the form of “+30 to armor” with maximum development of tanks.

Doctrines develop with the help of stars that are outstanding after the execution of missions. Twenty -eight stars are allocated for everything that allows you to develop one branch as part of the doctrine. Therefore, to create an army capable of traveling on tanks and carrying two ammunition with you, it will not work. You need to choose one thing.

Soviet summer

Polish armor under the onslaught of Blitzkrig!

The doctrines are thought out, tactical plans are recisted, and even a small video indicating the goals of the mission is shown to commanders. It's time to start completing the assignment. And here again everything is simple, everything, like seventeen years ago: a limited number of troops are subordinate, scribbled reinforcements in the rear, both ours and the enemy.

The higher the level of https://cosmobet-casino.co.uk/ complexity, the less we have them and the enemy has more, so spin as you want. The first wound tank or destroyed gun calculation hints at what and should be spinning and, because they can be captured. This is especially noticeable in France, when, under the onslaught of the German army, the French and the British leave a lot of technology, which can be easily occupied, at the same time receiving Achivka "Marauder".

A broken tank can be taken with you.

Yes, Achivka in strategy. The more of them, the higher the likelihood that you will end a mission with three stars. In the presence of certain skills, this is not difficult, because playing Sudden Strike 4 is not only interesting, but also comfortable.

Perhaps it was played by the fact that the release is planned not only on PC, Mac, Linux, but also on PS4, but we admit: the game interface is extremely convenient and easy to master. The icons are large, you won’t miss, the kind of troops are originally suspended to digital buttons, the card is very detailed, and there is no micro -management in principle. Not to consider the tracking of supply trucks that left the wrong place where to.

All this simplicity is already visible in Beta, and we have no doubt that the release version will be no worse.

However, even in ideally, hostilities can be found flaws.

German spring

In every tanker, a plowman lurks.

There are still very few content in SS4: in each campaign there are only eight missions. Of course, the defense of Moscow does not take as much time as the assault on Berlin, and the forcing of the Maas River is not at all the same as the Battle of Stalingrad, but this is still not enough. The game is held quickly, does not abandon a serious call, does everything according to scripts and does not experiment at all in battle.

As if justified by a small number of missions, Sudden Strike 4 gives a completely unusual and colorful experience. Each task is a piece of history with its details. Here in France, the gas station is peacefully, and next to it – abandoned "Citroen". I played for several hours, and now under the caterpillars of tanks, the ice of Lake Ladoga naturally cracks, and the anti -aircraft gunners aim at “pieces”. And here you completely forget that there are such episodes – to count on your fingers. It is still difficult to say whether there will be new historical missions in the game, but what is is good only for beta versions. For the release, as they say, it will not be enough.

Night missions are beautiful and interesting.

Not everything is in order and with localization. Soviet fighters say such votes that Armageddon recall Michael Bay and the Mir space station with an astronaut in Ushanka. It is unlikely that the voice acting will have time to rewrite, but if this happened, the sensations from the game would have changed a lot for the better.

There are questions to the stability of the game on some platforms. For example, under MacOS the game did not start at all, although among the systems it is declared and even loads through Steam.

The supply solves everything.

Sudden Strike 4 could be released now. The game works steadily on a PC, does not fall, pleases with visual effects, a convenient interface and fascinating missions. But it is in the missions that the main problem of the project is hidden – it is short. Those stages that are literally “flying up”, and the game remains to gather dust in the Steam account. And this is at best – if you play in the multiplayer. In the worst restart Sudden Strike, it will simply be devoted to oblivion.

And he does not deserve it.

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